Soil Sampling Management & Data Flow
How to Spend LESS Time on the Computer
Data Integrations
The only things a lab needs to process your sample is the point code and sample number. The point code comes from your agronomy software, and the sample number comes from the barcode ROGO creates in the field.
From Your Agronomy Software
From ROGO’s Barcode
ROGO's Online Portal - Job Submission & Management

- Instantly see the status of every job, grouped by status, grower, location, etc.
- Bulk upload fields or submit them one-by-one at your convenience
- If a sample point is moved, receive an automatic email notification with the reason for the move and coordinates of the new point
- Empower large teams with instant access to all of our progress.
- Easily manage large sampling projects across many states or regions
Simplifying Lab Check-In
Treat your lab well, and they'll treat you well
How to Keep a Lab Happy
- Reliable Bags & Boxes: Samples arrive safely
- Lab Check-In Sheets Printed Automatically: Easy design for either scanning OR manual entry
- Custom-Printed Manifest: Easily sort & inventory boxes