ROGO's Soil Sampling Robot

Agriculture's Most Accurate Soil Sampling Tool

Click or scroll to see how our soil sampling robot takes the most accurate soil cores in the industry.

Soil Sampling Robot Gets to True Depth Consistently

Our robot uses a multi-step, ground-referenced depth control system – accurate within 1/8″!

Soil sampling accuracy is challenging because every half inch of depth changes nutrient results 5% to 10%
ROGO's sampling robot uses a multi-step arm to pull samples, ensuring depth is measured correctly

Robot Extracts complete Soil Cores

Once we reach the right depth, we extract 100% of the core every time!

Why is this important?

Incomplete cores are like partial samples – they don’t accurately represent the soil’s nutrient contents.

"Pinch, Probe, Pull"

We use several techniques to pierce crop residue, get the entire core through the inlet and lift it out of the ground.

Scraper & Trapdoor System

We use a special soil scraper and trapdoor to empty 100% of every core into the bucket – and keep it there.

Extracts From Exact Point Locations

Without An Accurate Location, You can't Repeat Your Grids

Pulling soil samples from different locations can create fluctuations in the soil nutrient levels

ROGO AutoDrive

Our robot drives itself with RTK-level GPS, letting us navigate to and record the location of every core within 3′!

ROGO's robotic soil sampler uses RTK-level GPS, and drives to precise core locations

Soil Sampling Robot Automates Process to Avoid Mistakes

Seamless Data Flow

With a 1 in 1,000 error rate, our process actually starts even before the sample is taken. Our robot automatically changes field settings according to the customer’s specs, and records extensive sampling metadata completely autonomously. This makes sure we know everything there is to know about every soil sample – down to the exact location of every core.
ROGO's soil sampling robot digitally transfers your sampling points from our portal, to our machine, to the lab, and back into your agronomy software

Uses Barcode Labels

ROGO's soil sampling robot ties the lab code, mission data, and sample point to a unique bar code on each sample bag, eliminating the need for handwritten labels

Is the Robotic Soil Sampler Really More Accurate?

ROGO's Soil Sampling Robot is the only tool that didn't misapply fertilizer due to sample errors

Beating hand probes, hydraulic probes, and augers, this field trial shows how soil data accuracy can be improved by using a robotic soil sampler. It also shows the financial benefits this can provide to growers.

Ask Quick Questions

Troy Fiechter, ROGO Co-Founder & Indiana Farmer