Robotic Soil Sampling Services

Maximize the Accuracy of Your Soil Tests

Improved Soil Testing Program

ROGO's Soil Sampling robot is the only tool that didn't misapply fertilizer due to soil sample errors

Beating hand probes, hydraulic probes, and augers, this field trial shows how soil data accuracy can be improved by using a robotic soil sampler. It also shows the financial benefits this can provide to growers.


95% Grower Adoption in 1 Year

“At the end of the day, ROGO gets the job done with a higher level of accuracy than we’ve ever had.”

Why do we care so much about soil sampling?

“The soil is the great connector of lives, the source and destination of all. … Without proper care for it we can have no community, because without proper care for it we can have no life.”

Wendell Berry (Farmer, Christian, Poet)

We care about the ag community.

Agronomists and universities tell us that “a soil test is essential,” and “one of the most important steps is collecting the soil sample.” We’re following your recommendations.

Soil Labs use complex chemistry, robotics, astonishing expertise, and robust logistics to scrutinize the dirt in our bags. We’re honoring your commitment to accuracy.

Applicators use miraculous technology and work long hours to get the inputs on the ground where they need to be. We’re inspired by your dedication.

Suppliers invest millions into formulating incredible products and fighting rising costs. We’re helping steward your investment.

Farmers gamble their livelihoods every year on the stories our samples tell. “Information from a well-conducted soil-sampling event can be useful in monitoring changes in soil fertility, developing fertilizer recommendations, and improving on-farm nutrient efficiency” (Purdue Extension). We’re accountable to you and your wallet.

Robotic soil sampling isn’t about the value that ROGO brings to the table. It’s about the value that we create together.

Ready to Start a Premium Soil Sampling Program?

Troy Fiechter, ROGO Co-Founder & Indiana Farmer