Robotic Soil Sampling Services

Manage Soil Efficiently With Accurate Data

Farmers love ROGO

Stand Out By Providing The Best Soil Sampling Solution.
We're More...


  • Robotically pulls a complete core
  • From the true depth
  • At the exact location
  • Every time


  • Proof of core locations
  • Records of every field
  • Error-proof field process
  • Continual improvement


  • Reliable phone support
  • Field management portal
  • Real-time sampling notifications
  • Optimized lab experience

Soil Sampling Field Trial

ROGO's robot is the only tool that didn't misapply fertilizer due to sampling error.

Beating our hand probes, hydraulic probes, and augers, this trial shows the financial losses farmers are experiencing due to sampling errors, and the potential profits from decreasing that error.


95% Grower Adoption in 1 Year

“At the end of the day, ROGO gets the job done with a higher level of accuracy than we’ve ever had.”

Ready to Start a Premium Soil Sampling Program?

Troy Headshot cropped